
SINCE 1992

Our Company

To be the international, leading, professional W/Mo and other powder metallurgical products supplier

3,000 tons

Annual production capacity of tungsten wire

150 billion meters

Annual production capacity of fine tungsten wire

1,500 tons

Annual production capacity of molybdenum wire

2.5 billion meters

Annual production capacity of fine molybdenum wire

1,500 tons

Annual production capacity of tungsten and molybdenum components

Established in 1992, Xiamen Honglu Tungsten Molybdenum Industry Co., Ltd. with registered capital of RMB 240,670,000 is a state-controlled Sino-Korea joint venture.?The Company is one of the core members of public-listed Xiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd. and is also one of the first State New High-Tech Companies in China. The Company has the first "Post Doctoral Programme" in Chinese tungsten and molybdenum processing industry, and also jointly set up the “Rare Metal Processing Laboratory” with Metal Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences.?


Tungsten Products

Our products are widely used in health care, protection, semiconductor, photovoltaics, traditional lighting, machinery manufacturing, aerospace and automotive industries, industrial furnaces, 3C and nuclear industries and other fields.


Molybdenum Products

Our products are widely used in medical treatment 、protection, semiconductors, photovoltaics, traditional lighting, machinery manufacturing, aerospace and automotive industries, industrial furnaces, 3C and nuclear industries and other fields.


Technical Competence

Products are widely used in electric light source and electric vacuum, semiconductor and electronic technology, aerospace and automobile industry, industrial furnace, machinery manufacturing and welding, 3C and nuclear industry, etc.




Technical Capacity




Contact Us

Contact Us

Shanghai Customer Service Center

Mr. Wang


Nanjing Customer Service Center

Mr. Yang

025-58836301 13805161107

Foshan Customer Service Center

Mr. Gao

0757-82812537 13923117257

Chengdu Customer Service Center

Mr. Tang


Wire Business Division

Domestic wire sales:+86-592-6150261

Overseas wire sales:+86-592-6150261

Wire marketing: Wei.ZongXing@CXTC.COM

Components Business Division

Component sales:+86-592-3206700 ext 7767

Components Marketing:Shi.Tao@CXTC.COM

Xiamen Honglu Tungsten & Molybdenum Industry Co., Ltd.

No. 339 Liansheng Road, Jimei North Industrial District, Xiamen, China


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